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Friday, June 12, 2015

WinCompose - Easily type special characters & symbols

A compose key allows to easily write special characters such as é ž à ō û ø ☺ ¤ ∅ « ♯ ⸘ Ⓚ ㊷ ♪ ♬ using short and often very intuitive key combinations. For instance, ö is obtained using o + " and ♥ is obtained using < + 3.

A compose key for Windows, free and opensource, created by Sam Hocevar with the help of dozens of contributors.

Sam wrote WinCompose because none of the alternatives (FreeCompose, CKFW, AllChars or Unichars) were found to be satisfying.

WinCompose supports the standard Compose file format. It provides more than 1700 compose rules from the Xorg project and the dotXCompose project. You can add custom rules by creating a file named. XCompose or .XCompose.txt in your %USERPROFILE% directory.
WinCompose supports rules of more than 2 characters such as Compose ( 3 ) for .
WinCompose supports early exits. For instance,  Compose & will immediately type & because there is currently no rule starting with &.
As of now, WinCompose is almost fully translated to Belarusian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. It is partially translated to Czech, Indonesian, Irish, Sardinian, Serbian and Slovak. You can help us translate it to more languages using the Weblate project:

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