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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

WhatsApp On PC (Part One) Using WhatsApp Web

Now you can Send and receive WhatsApp messages right from your computer (the easy way) using Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari as your web browser.

Since its a web based feature that's means you don’t have to download any software to your PC.

NOTE: You need to use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari as your web browser.

WhatsApp Web is not another WhatsApp account. When you use WhatsApp on your computer and your phone, you are simply accessing the same account on these two devices.

How to use WhatsApp Web – Windows PC or Mac?

First, you need to have WhatsApp Messenger installed on your phone.
  1. Upgrade your WhatsApp Messenger on your phone, it requires the latest version of WhatsApp.
  2. Visit on your computer, you will see QR code
          3. Open WhatsApp Messenger in your Smartphone, go to Menu and select: WhatsApp Web

          4. Scan the QR code on your computer from the WhatsApp Web option in your phone.

          5. Click “OK, GOT IT” and the scanning of your QR code will start.
          6. That's all, now you can start using your WhatsApp messenger from your computer :)

    From your phone, navigate to WhatsApp Web to view your Logged in computers or to logout from an active WhatsApp Web session.
    NOTE: To avoid data usage charges on your phone, it is recommended that you are always connected to Wi-Fi when using WhatsApp Web.

    Tutorial: Whatsapp for PC  2

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