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Friday, June 19, 2015

DPLS Scientific Calculator

The DPLS Scientific Calculator is a free, highly functional, and easy to use Scientific Calculator, it contains numerous tools and data reference systems.

It incorporates many science tools including a triangle calculator, vector calculator, shape calculator, kinematic calculator, half-life calculator, maths calculator, gas laws calculator, statistical calculator, percent and proportion calculator, world times, event timer, measurement converter and a molar mass calculator. Numerous science data reference systems can be called including SI units, symbols, constants, maths laws, atomic structures, organic compounds, ions and ionic compounds, and chemical reactions. Over 500 commonly used compounds can be quickly called to list their name, formula, molecular mass and CAS number. Over 100 constants can be called to list their numerical value and uncertainty value. Search systems are available for science symbols, ions, science terms and equation formula. Interactive flowcharts can be called for mechanical and electrical units. An interactive periodic table lists elements properties. A help system explains operation, and system contents can be quickly located through a search system.

General Use
The calculator is highly useful for both students and science professionals.
The calculator will operate on a desktop, laptop or notebook with Internet Explorer installed.
No connection to the Internet is necessary.
The file to be downloaded is approximately 8 MB in size.
The system is specifically designed for ease of use.
A help system is available to explain calculator functions and operation.

Main Calculator and Tools
The main calculator has over 20 functions and includes the ability to store and recall up to 10 values.
All calculations performed by the calculator are recorded in a note pad area for cutting and pasting elsewhere.
The calculator can determine the molecular weight of a compound by typing its formula.
The molecular formular of a compound can also be included into an equation.
Drop down lists can be used to paste data into the calculator.
These lists include: -
  • A list of over 500 common compounds with their chemical name, CAS number, molecular formula and molecular mass.
  • A list of over 100 constants.
Other calculators, converters and science tools can be quickly called including the following: -
  • A triangle calculator that calculates length of sides, angles and area of a right triangle and oblique triangle.
  • A set of vector calculators.
  • An extensive measurement converter with over 50 catagories.
  • A set of maths calculators.
  • An area and volume calculator for common two dimensional and three dimensional objects.
  • A proportion, percentage and fraction calculator.
  • A gas laws calculator.
  • A molar mass and molarity calculator.
  • An event timer that displays a report.
  • A set of kinematic motion calculators.
  • A set of angular motion calculators.
  • A half-life calculator.
  • An extensive statistical calculator.
  • A resistor code calculator.
  • A tool to compare world times for over 100 cities with current PC time.
Data Reference
Data reference systems can be quickly called and include the following: -
  • SI base units and derived quantities.
  • A searchable list of common science symbols.
  • A description of common constants.
  • Greek alphabet, Roman numerals, maths symbols, sets symbols, geometry symbols and electrical symbols.
  • An interactive database of over 20 properties for each element in the periodic table.
  • A searchable list of ions, anions, cations, atoms with multiple charge, acid/base pairs, common ionic compounds.
  • Atomic and mass numbers, nucleons, electron configuration, quantum numbers.
  • Rules and equations for algebra, trigonometry, index laws, logarithm laws, coordinate geometry and progressions.
  • Number types, significant figures, counting large numbers, graph equations.
  • Functional groups, alkyl groups, homologous series, organic compound reactions.
  • Chemical equations, state symbols, chemical reactions, activity series.
  • pH and pOH concentrations, acid and base definitions, acid and base properties.
  • Colour wavelengths, primary and complementary colours, colours by name, electromagnetic spectrum, radio wavelengths.
  • Interactive flowcharts for mechanical and electrical units.
  • Organisation of nature, taxonomy classes, kingdoms, ecological groups, biospheres and bioms.
  • A searchable list of commonly used equation formula with variable measurement quantities.
  • The system allows quick connection to a selection of science data and science news sites.

DPLS Scientific Calculator

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