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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Windows HTML To WORD: Create MS Word Document From HTML Files

Windows HTML To WORD is a tool to convert HTML Files to perfect Word document. With this tool, you can make a specification of an application from the *.htm files. Windows HTML To WORD Make Word document from html file in seconds with one click.

Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original html file. Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required.
If you don’t want to spend more time, or engage more programmers to implement these tools, Windows HTML To WORD can help you.

  1. Support Word 2003 Doc format.
  2. Support input URL to convert.
  3. High Performance- it run faster now.
  4. Supports Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003.
  5. Keep  Graphics 100%, like JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, etc.
  6. Keep Texts 100%, including correct positioning, font sizes and colors 100%
  7. Keep table, nested table 100%, no lose any table and nested table.

  • Create Microsoft Word Document From HTML Files Windows HTML  to WORD’s greatest strength. As you know, Windows CHM To WORD is designed to convert .chm file to word file.
  • Generate A Lot Of HTML To ONE Word Document  : an added benefit for developers and serious users. Windows HTML To WORD provides not just the ability to generate more flexible WORD document storage, but also allows you to generate them into ONE Word Document.

Windows HTML To WORD

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