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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Whatsapp on PC (Part Two) Using BlueStacks Or AirDroid

Here is a tutorial on how to install Whatsapp on your PC desktop, two methods listed below follow the easiest one for you.
Method 1: How to install Whatsapp on PC using BlueStacks
Method 2: How to install WhatsApp on PC using AirDroid (use it on Phone/PC simultaneously)

* Method 1: How to install Whatsapp on PC using BlueStacks

Step 1: Download & install BlueStack on your PC

Step 2: Download & install whatsApp on your phone

Step 3: Open BlueStacks (Click on BlueStacks icon in your Desktop)

Step 4: Now in BlueStacks >> Click on My Apps.

Step 5: Now you’ll see WhatsApp >> Click on it.

Step 6: Accept Terms and Condition

Step 7: Type your Phone Number in the Field

Step 8: Now WhatsApp will try to verify your number, but it will show fail message

Step 9: Click on Call Me >> You’ll receive an automatic / computerized call with a confirmation number, write down that number

Step 10: Now type the received number in verification field and your done
 Enjoy WhatsApp on  PC.

* Method 2: How to Download and Install WhatsApp on PC using AirDroid

The Blustacks method is great for installing whatsapp on PC. However, one disadvantage of it is that you cannot use the same Whatsapp account on PC and phone simultaneously. Either you have use it on your Phone or on your PC.

If you want to use your WhatsApp account on both PC and Phone simultaneously then here is how you can do it with the help of AirDroid.  Follow these to know how to do the same.

Note: You should have your Android Phone and Mac / PC connected to the same network.

Step 1: Download and Install AirDroid on your Android phone

Step 2: Create a new AirDroid account (Skip if you already have one).

Step 3: Next, tap on Enable button if AirDroid ask to enable real-time notification on your PC.

Step 4: Next, enable Android notification mirror and phone.

Step 5: Next, download and install AirDroid on your Mac / Windows PC

Step 6: On your PC, open AirDroid and sing in using the AirDroid account that use on your Android phone.

Step 7: That’s it. Now whenever you get a WhatsApp message on your Android phone, the message will also appear on your PC. You can directly reply and read the messages on your PC.


Tutorial: Whatsapp for PC 1

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