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Saturday, May 9, 2015

StartupEye : Prevent Changes to Windows Startup Registry

StartupEye offers a handy yet efficient software solution for helping you prevent various applications to register themselves from running at Windows startup.

StartupEye is a small utility that runs transparently and notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup. It prevents annoying programs from registering themselves behind your back. When you choose not to allow a program to register itself, the program's entry becomes deleted. StartupEye works on all modern versions of Windows through XP, VISTA, 7, SERVER2003-2008.
The tool runs quietly in the system tray until called upon when it reveals only a few configuration settings to tinker with.

If you perform a right-click mouse operation on the utility’s icon from the system tray, you can make the program run at Windows startup and enable or disable the alarm when it detects that a registry is changed.
StartupEye automatically displays a popup notification each time it detects a program that tries to modify your registry entries. You are offered details about the current registry key, as well as date and time.

What’s more, the tool lets you open the Registry Editor and location where the program is stored, as well as view file properties. Additionally, you may delete the registry entry and scan it.

Tests revealed that StartupEye carries out a task quickly and without errors. It doesn’t eat up a lot of CPU and memory, so the overall performance of your computer is not hampered.


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